
Rockefeller Center | New York
Saturday, May 11, 2013

A little background on the proposal...I always told Justin when he asked me, he would need to make sure these elements were in place:

1. It's a surprise but I'm dressed up -  On the day of the proposal, I was totally convinced I was headed to indulge in a fancy brunch to welcome my close friend Nicole to New York. 

2. My nails are manicured - The night before Justin schemed with Nicole to convince me to get a mani. Ironic enough, I told him I thought my new mani was the perfect bridal color...little did I know.

3. My hair is curled - To my dismay, I was too rushed to bother curling my hair. Justin was nice enough to cut this out of our proposal video, but you can audibly hear me gasp "...but, my hair isn't curled!?" haha

4. It takes place at an iconic location - To my delight, he selected Rockefeller Center!

5. Everything is captured on video - Thankfully, Andrew, Justin's good friend and professional videographer happened to be in town!

Aside from this list, Justin went above and beyond to invite all our best East Coast friends to partake in this extravagant surprise proposal. He thought of every last detail from making a YouTube tutorial video on how he envisioned the proposal being executed to designating his friend Dash to work with the NYPD to clear the area! 

And now we're getting hitched on Saturday, July 5, 2014 in Malibu, California!